WLJ mobile application interface - Codexia Technologies


  • App Development
  • UI/UX Design
  • SQA Engineering


Live Streaming App


Watch Live Jazz is a robust and reliable solution for Jazz Music Lovers it enables them to watch and enjoy live Jazz performances by great artists. Watch Live Jazz streams jazz concerts live from Club Cinetone Amsterdam. You can both physically attend the concert in Club Cinetone Amsterdam and watch the live stream from home.

Watch Live Jazz is my daily passion and mission. As a jazz enthusiast and -guitarist, I am always searching for live jazz concerts, whether in a jazz club or online. However, I had noticed two things: it’s not possible to be at the right place at the right time to see the old masters or young talent at work. And online you either find concerts from a (long) while back or the registrations are of low image and sound quality,

In my experience, a Netflix-kind-of-website for live jazz was missing. An online platform that offers HD live streams of high-quality jazz and the possibility to (re)watch concerts on-demand at my own time and convenience. And share the revenues equally with the artists performing on the platform.